The blunt truth is that employer and union health plans could and should cost 25%-45% less than they currently do. Those results are readily achievable. But it is not in the interests of health care organizations - brokers, health plans, health systems, all of whom make a percentage of total expenditures - for health care to cost less.

Worksite Health Advisors' (WHA) sole focus is finding and vetting health care companies that consistently deliver measurably better health outcomes at far lower cost than conventional approaches. We tend to see health care vendors in terms of their capacity to effectively impact health care clinical and/or financial risk. We're skeptical, and have become sensitive to the fact that, while nearly all health care organizations make grand promises about performance, few deliver. Our jobs are to identify and connect health care purchasers with great performers, and then work with both to make sure that the solution can integrate and work with existing programming.

Call us. We're pretty sure you'll find these approaches are a breath of fresh air.